The artisanal cooper

crafting barrels of distinction

Understanding your needs

It all begins
by listening…

A dialogue between two craftsmen

We travel the world’s vineyards to understand the winemaker’s needs. Only he knows his terroir, soils, climate, grape varieties and wines.
We then set off in search of the woods that will reveal his wines.

Discover Bel Air
Make your own barrel

Our expertise

Façonner des barriques à la main, maîtriser le feu, amener les merrains à leur maturité optimale jusqu’à identifier les textures et les arômes en bouche, le savoir-faire du tonnelier permet de fournir aux vignerons les barriques les plus précises possible en fonction de leurs besoins.

Identify remarkable forests

The raw material

Set off in search of the best forest terroirs, create your own wood reserve and let nature slowly refine the material.

Choose your profile

Our different

Blend woods as you would blend different grape varieties, propose balanced, regular barrels for each vintage and let the wine express itself.

Discover our ranges
Refining wine


More than 400 winemakers in over 10 countries trust us

We are committed to building close, trust-based relationships with all our customers, thanks to a sales team of 15 employees based in both hemispheres.
